Monday, January 11, 2010

That Girl

Lately, I have felt that if any more straw is thrown on this old camel's back . . . implosion might occur. Then, I spoke with my big sis yesterday morning and she told me to start telling myself or chanting "this is only temporary, this is only temporary".

She also reminded me of a conversation that I had on June 25th when I asked my then husband "Is this the only phone call you can make?"

Jailed vile husband: "Yes!"

Me: "Then you made the wrong phone call." Click.

I need to channel that girl who was so strong and smart that horrific day.

Off to go chant . . .


Vickie said...

okay, the jail phone call conversation might take the top of the list as best ever. and you have had some pretty good ones over the years.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Hah! That's what I'm going to start telling myself when I'm threatening to go down the negative track: "You're making the wrong phone call."

You ARE strong and smart! If you ever need a reminder, let me know.

Sharla said...

You are that girl!
You have shown amazing strength!

Hanlie said...

You ARE that girl! Love the response!

Lora said...

Your response was classic!