Wednesday, March 10, 2010

One Man's Pain is another WOman's Glee

$11,888.00 paid to a divorce lawyer
$4,140.00 paid to counselors
$601.00 out-of-pocket expenses for divorce (travel, lodging, copies, postage)
$1,485.00 in moving and storage fees

Cost to see the vileman's mug shot Tuesday night, on the website where he was booked on March 8th to begin serving his 3 year sentence . . .



  1. Happy happy day for you, dear one. I'm sure you are breathing a huge sigh of relief. Yayy you for hanging in there for so long.

  2. Priceless, indeed. I'm very happy for you and your children.

  3. Oh, grrr. I'm not anonymous and never will be! Blogger thought I was, though. Ooops!

  4. WOOHOO SISTER!!!!! Justice has been a long time coming! :) AWESOME!!!

  5. So happy that this has been resolved!! Here's to moving on!!!

  6. Priceless indeed, wish it was for a lot longer but at least its finally done

  7. That's really wonderful! Now you can move forward and leave him and scariness behind. {{hug}}

  8. Love it! I've always hoped you could have seen the mugshot! (now's the time to take up scrapbooking, ha ha!).

    I'm so happy this is behind you! :-)

    I'm SO PROUD of you.

  9. I know it sounds dumbe, but the song from Frosty the Snow Man comes to ming about putting one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking cross the room (or is it floor)

    Please don't hold my FB "friends" radical political/religious views against me, or the scary long distance realatives either!

  10. Now, at last, you can truly move forward. Three years is not really long enough for the pain he caused, but at least he'll be out of your life for awhile.
